BTS Academy: How to Overcome Price Objections at Consultations

Rogelio Rodriguez
Apr 10, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Welcome to Built to Scale Academy. Once a month, we create a mini growth course just for window and door companies. We’ll cover a specific topic you should master to grow faster, smarter, and stronger in less time. 

In this installment, you’ll learn how to overcome price objections when selling windows, doors, and other fenestration products. We will show you effective strategies and dialogue examples to negotiate and close deals while maintaining profitability. 

Why Focus on Overcoming Price Objections?

how to close more sales

Price objections are a common hurdle in the window and door sales industry. It's not uncommon for customers to be hesitant about the cost of these products, especially if they are comparing prices or working on a budget. 

It's important for everyone - from the appointment setter to the sales pro, to the installation team, to know how to address objections and communicate the value of your products to your customers. 

Here are some tips for overcoming price objections in the window and door sales industry.

Understanding Value Systems

home consultation price concern

We’re big fans of Dave Yoho here at GoRizen. He and his organization are a staple in the home services industry for providing valuable growth consulting services. Dave himself is in his 90s and still gets on stage to share his wit and wisdom. We spent time with him at last year’s conference in New Orleans, and it was an amazing experience.

One of Dave’s talks related to sales tactics focuses on selling a pen. An expensive pen to one person just isn’t worth the price. To another, it’s a worthwhile investment. How can you determine which opinion your customer has?

People say “no” because of their pre-existing set of values. If you've never spent $100 for a bottle of wine, then that's a lot of money. If you've never bought wine at all, a $12 bottle might still seem like a lot. 

Or if you don't regularly wear a tie, buying one that costs more than $12 probably doesn’t seem worth it.

It comes down to how your prospect sees life in general. The concern about price is more than the price! And just because a concern about price is raised does not mean you will not get the sale.

So how do you use your prospect’s value system to close a sale? There are two tactics you need to use:

  • Do more prep work to understand the person
  • Be flexible to overcome objections

Let’s discuss how you can better prepare for your sales pitch.

How Value Systems Are Formed?

The value system of a buyer can be influenced by their experiences, preferences, and hobbies. Knowing about the prospect's hobbies, preferences, and value system can help justify the price or present it in a way that aligns with their values.

When you start conversations with a lead, get to know them!

  • Ask about their weekend
  • Learn about their background
  • Explore what motivates them as people

You can do this simply by taking time to ask open-ended questions and practicing active listening

Let’s show how, right from the first communication, your team can start building a profile that shows each lead’s value system. Here is a hypothetical scenario showing how a salesperson’s first conversation with a lead could go:


Good morning! My name is Rod and I am from XYZ Windows and Doors. I noticed that you were interested in some of our products. May I ask what caught your attention?


Hi, Rod. Yes, I'm interested in replacing the windows in my home.


Great! We have a wide range of products that can fit your needs. Before we start, can you tell me a little about your lifestyle and preferences?


Sure. What do you mean?


Well, for example, do you enjoy a lot of natural light in your home? Are you looking for energy-efficient products? Are you concerned about security? Knowing a little bit about your lifestyle and preferences will help me recommend the best products for you.


Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, I do like a lot of natural light and I want to make sure the products are energy-efficient. I also want to make sure that they are durable and low-maintenance.


Great, thank you for letting me know. One more thing - do you have any hobbies or interests that are important to you? For example, do you enjoy gardening or woodworking?


Actually, I'm an avid birdwatcher. I like to sit by the window and watch the birds in my garden.


That's great! Our products come in various styles and finishes that can complement your home's aesthetic and provide unobstructed views of your garden. And since you're interested in birdwatching, we also offer screens that can keep bugs out while still allowing you to enjoy the fresh air and the sounds of nature.


Wow, that sounds perfect! I had no idea that windows and doors could be so customizable.


Absolutely! At XYZ Windows and Doors, we believe in providing personalized solutions that meet our customers' unique needs and preferences. Thank you for sharing your lifestyle and interests with me. It helps me to recommend the best products for you.

The fictional conversation is important because it demonstrates how a salesperson can learn more about a prospect's value system by asking open-ended questions and actively listening to their responses. 

By doing so, the salesperson can better understand the prospect's needs and preferences and tailor their sales pitch accordingly.

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of doing more prep work to understand value systems, let’s look at how you can overcome price objections by being flexible in your reactions.

How to Be More Flexible to Overcome Objections

Salespeople should be prepared to negotiate and be flexible in their approach to meet the prospect's needs while maintaining profitability. The best way to go about price objections is to have a structured response plan in place. 

This plan may involve changing the way the price is presented or justifying the value of the product. Every window and door business should have a response matrix customer-facing employees can learn and reference.

If the lead says "this," then "this" should be the response! If you clarify the process to everyone speaking to the customer, objections can be handled more effectively. 

Here are some examples of common price objections and suggested responses for salespeople:

1) "Your product is too expensive"

"I understand that price is a concern for you. We value your business and want to provide the best solution that fits your needs and budget. That's why we offer a lifetime guarantee on our products, as well as exceptional customer service during installation and permitting. We are committed to building a long-term relationship with you, not just making a sale."

2) "I can find a similar product for a cheaper price elsewhere"

"You're looking for the best value for your money and you deserve it. Our windows and doors are made of the highest quality materials and will last for decades. They are energy-efficient, durable, and secure. Wouldn't you want to invest in your home's comfort and safety for the long-term?"

3) "I can't afford your product."

"I hear you. You want to invest in your home but are concerned about the price. Different financing options can help you spread the cost over time. Additionally, we have seasonal promotions and discounts that can help you save money. Would you like me to explain them to you?"

4) "I don't see the value in paying so much for this."

"I understand that you may not see the value in paying a premium price for our product. However, I'd like to highlight some of its unique features and benefits that set it apart from others in the market. These features provide added value and a better overall experience that justifies the price."

Overall, it's important for salespeople to actively listen to the prospect's concerns and address them in a way that provides a solution while maintaining profitability. 

While these are straightforward, simplified examples of how to approach price objections, they make two important points you need to consider:

  • Do your prep work to understand the prospect’s value system
Have a flexible, planned-out approach for dealing with common pushback.

How to Use This Info to Grow Your Window & Door Business

window company owner sales

If you own a window and door business, this content is a great conversation starter to have with your sales team to ensure they are doing everything they can to close sales.

Our unique sales approach we train our clients to use combines the best sales methodologies into one simple and effective system. If you’re interested in learning more, book a 15-minute call today!

Thanks for joining us for this month’s BTS Academy episode. We hope it helps you grow your window and door business faster, smarter, and stronger. 

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