Hubspot vs Salesforce: A Features Comparison for Window & Door Dealers

Jeffrey Lambert
Jan 19, 2023 9:45:46 AM

Looking for the right customer relationship management (CRM) system can seem overwhelming. That's why it helps to compare features between two popular systems, Hubspot and Salesforce.

This in-depth comparison will help you better decide which CRM is the right fit for your window and door business.

Why would I need a CRM?

CRMs for Roofers

Are you looking for a CRM to help manage your sales and prospects? Then you should compare the features of organizational staples HubSpot and Salesforce. Both are powerhouse programs that can track sales prospects, develop personal relationships with customers, provide data-driven insights, and more. Selecting the right one for your business will ensure optimal results.

Check out this breakdown of the benefits window and door dealers can enjoy after adopting a CRM

What is the Difference Between HubSpot and Salesforce?

Hubspot vs Salesforce

Despite their differences, HubSpot and Salesforce have a few similarities. Both provide marketing and sales solutions for businesses of all sizes. However, when comparing features, Salesforce offers more complex and expensive solutions than HubSpot. On the other hand, HubSpot is a more flexible and affordable tool that can be tailored to meet various business needs.

Comparing Hubspot and Salesforce features, it's clear that these two tools offer a wide range of features tailored to marketing, sales, customer support, and more. Both are at the top of their game regarding CRM software options.

In particular, HubSpot stands out as a great CRM solution for home services companies like window and door dealers - offering powerful features without breaking the bank.

We believe that both platforms are great solutions for customer relationship management (CRM). Salesforce is arguably the market leader in this field, aiming to be the number one tool used by sales professionals. Its features include things like personalized dashboards and reporting tools that help sales teams optimize their processes and ROI.

On the other hand, HubSpot provides businesses with a holistic suite of marketing and analytics tools that allow them to better understand their customers and target them more effectively.

Comparing Key Salesforce and Hubspot Features

comparing CRM options fenestration

1) Intuitive User Interface Design and Navigation

Another difference between Hubspot and Salesforce is their user interface (UI) design and navigation. Hubspot’s UI is designed with users in mind, offering easy navigation and clearly labeled options. It also offers contextual tips to help make using its products less intimidating for new users.

Meanwhile, Salesforce’s UI is not as intuitive as Hubspot’s; however, it does offer some features that show what kind of data a customer may see when they access the platform.


2) Contact Management Features and Sales Automation Tools

When comparing contact management features, both Hubspot and Salesforce offer essential sales pipeline and email management tools. With Hubspot, you can quickly add or update contacts with lead score tracking to prioritize customer engagement. Meanwhile, Salesforce enables you to segment contacts based on custom data fields and categorize them based on their relationship with your business.

Additionally, both options allow users to access their customer data via mobile applications for efficient CRM access across devices.

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3) Lead Generating Forms, Campaigns, Reports & Analytics

Regarding lead-generating forms, Hubspot enables you to easily create and track custom forms, auto-fill in contact info, and capture details from potential leads. Hubspot and Salesforce also allow users to customize the look of their form pages using the drag-and-drop editor.

Additionally, Hubspot offers access to various marketing campaigns and resources, making it easier for users to create effective marketing materials. Meanwhile, Salesforce provides tools for creating reports and analyzing customer data with advanced analytics to optimize sales processes.


4) Security Protocols: Data protection & integrity policies.

Regarding security protocols, both HubSpot and Salesforce prioritize protecting customer data. Each platform ensures all contact information is secure and compliant with GDPR and other common standards.

Both also offer advanced encryptions to protect customers' data from unauthorized access and Action Plans that allow users to quickly take action in the event of a security issue. Additionally, each has a set of data integrity policies in place to guarantee that customers can trust the accuracy of their data at all times.

How Salesforce and HubSpot Stack Up

door dealer CRM options

When comparing the features of HubSpot and Salesforce, users can find some similarities. Both offer a contact and lead management system, email marketing services, sales forecasting capabilities, automation tools, reporting options, and e-commerce integrations.

The ease of use differs slightly, with HubSpot being easier to use while Salesforce offers more micromanagement capabilities. Both have excellent analytics features but the customer support each provides is distinct from one other—HubSpot offers phone, online messaging, chat, Research Center, and Community Forum, while Salesforce offers email, phone, and online chat as well as their own HubSpot Community, HubSpot Academy, and an online Knowledge Base.

In terms of pricing for both platforms, the starting price for Salesforce is $25 per month per user, whereas HubSpot does not have a monthly fee upfront. Lastly, both offer a free trial period, with Salesforce offering 30 days versus HubSpot having 14 days.

HubSpot and Salesforce are two of the leading CRM solutions in the market. Regarding features, both have essential CRM functions like sales forecasting, email marketing, contact, and lead management. However, HubSpot stands out by providing a free plan for basic needs, while Salesforce does not offer this option. Both come with an initial free trial period but with different durations: 14 days for Hubspot and 30 days for Salesforce.

Comparing Salesforce and HubSpot, Salesforce has more advanced features and offers great customization options. It also has powerful analytics capabilities. On the other hand, HubSpot is user-friendly and has low-cost plans, making it an attractive option for companies new to CRMs or those on a budget.

Our CRM Recommendation for Window & Door Pros


When considering which software platform to choose Hubspot and Salesforce, it is important to compare both features. Both platforms offer many powerful sales and marketing tools, but they also have differences. Do your research to determine which features are right for you and how they can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales and marketing efforts. Consider pros, cons, customer reviews, reliability, and affordability before deciding.

We're big fans of Hubspot at GoRizen, and encourage all our window and door clients to consider this platform for their sales and marketing needs. HubSpot offers an easy-to-use solution with free and low-cost plans, making it ideal for new CRM users. Plus, HubSpot's customer service and education/support resources are top-notch.

HubSpot and Salesforce are excellent CRM solutions for selling windows and doors regardless of your platform. You're sure to get a strong start in your marketing and sales efforts with either one. Make sure to check out our full list of the top CRM options for window and door businesses for other options, too.

We hope this HubSpot vs Salesforce overview was helpful in providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision on the best CRM for your window & door business. Remember to consider the features, customer service, pricing, and reliability before selecting a CRM platform. Good luck!

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