Timing is Everything: The Total Window & Door Lead Contact Gameplan

Jeffrey Lambert
Aug 30, 2023 8:00:00 AM

When you're in the window and door business, knowing when to call back an interested lead can be the difference between making a sale and losing out on a potential customer. But when is the best time to connect with leads? Let's find out!

In this article, we'll explore some effective strategies for determining the best times to contact interested window and door leads.

We'll delve into why timing matters, what research has to say on the subject, and how you can use these insights to improve your sales and close more deals. 

Are you ready to turn more leads into loyal clients? Let's dive in!

Introduction: Why Timely Follow-Up is Crucial for Window and Door Sales

home services company owner frustrated

So, you've just received a hot lead interested in your window and door products. What's next? The follow-up, of course. But when? That's the million-dollar question.

We already covered what to do if a lead hasn't responded in over 30 days. But what if you've had a recent conversation?

It's crucial for you and your sales team to understand the optimal time to reach out to potential recent customers. Let's delve into why timely follow-up is so critical for your window and door sales. 


1) Increase Your Conversions

The primary goal of any business is to convert leads into customers. In the window and door industry, this process often starts with a request for a quote or an inquiry about your products.

Now, this is where timing plays a significant role. The sooner you respond, the fresher your business is in their minds, and the higher the chances of converting that lead into a sale. 


2) Gain a Competitive Edge

In today's fast-paced world, customers appreciate quick responses. A timely follow-up demonstrates your professionalism and gives you a competitive edge.

If a potential customer contacts multiple companies for quotes, the faster you respond, the better your chance of being chosen. 


3) Build Meaningful Relationships

Timely follow-up is also a relationship-building tactic. When you respond promptly and professionally to inquiries, you value the potential customer's time and interest.

This approach can help build trust and loyalty, leading to repeat business and referrals. 


4) Prevent Loss of Interest

The longer you take to follow up on a lead, the higher the risk of them losing interest or looking elsewhere. Quick follow-ups can help prevent this and keep the prospect engaged with your business. 

Given these reasons, it's clear how pivotal timely follow-ups are for window and door sales. However, knowing when to call back an interested lead is equally important, and we will explore that in the following sections.

Understanding Consumer Behavior: How it Can Help You Determine When to Call Back

Lead Contact Times Window Marketing

Understanding consumer behavior is akin to unlocking a treasure chest of insights for your window and door business. It provides a roadmap of when and how to follow up with your leads for optimal results.

Let's dive deeper into this. 


The Science Behind Consumer Behavior 

Consumer behavior refers to individuals' actions and decision-making processes when they purchase goods and services.

This behavior isn’t random; it's influenced by various factors such as personal preferences, needs, buying power, and external influences like advertisements or peer recommendations. 

Why is it relevant to your business? Understanding these behaviors can help you predict when a lead is most likely to make a purchase decision, and therefore, when is the best time to call them back. 

Homeowner pain points guide for window and door dealers

Key Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior 

  • Time of day: People are creatures of habit. Despite recent spikes in work-from-home careers, most people still work a 9 AM to 5 PM job. Calling a lead first thing in the morning or late in the evening may not help move the sales process along. Mid-morning to early afternoon is often the best time to reach out.
  • Day of the week: As Blink 182 once said "work sucks, I know." People want to relax on the weekends, not haggle over prices or listen to sales pitches. Weekdays are better for lead nurturing calls, while weekends are often better for quick check-ins or scheduling any needed appointments.
  • Urgency: People move fastest when an emergency is occurring. If a lead has a broken window or door, they are more likely to respond quickly to a callback. In such cases, the sooner you reach out, the better.


How to Use Consumer Behavior to Determine When to Call Back 

So, how do you use this understanding of consumer behavior to determine the best time to call back a lead? Here's a simple guideline: 

  1. Identify the type of lead: Is it a business or a residential lead? This will help determine the best day to call back.
  2. Consider the urgency of the need: If the lead has an immediate need, prioritize calling them back as soon as possible.
  3. Time your call: Aim to make your call during daytime hours when people are more likely to be available and responsive.

By incorporating the understanding of consumer behavior into your lead follow-up strategy, you're more likely to connect with leads at the right time, increasing your chances of closing the sale. Remember, the key is not just about calling back, but calling back at the right time!

The Sooner, The Better: Why Calling Back Quickly is Critical

Customer callback lead nurturing window sales

If you're in the window and door business, you know that leads are the lifeblood of your enterprise. But knowing when to call back an interested lead can often be a point of confusion.

In this regard, the general consensus among sales and marketing professionals is: the sooner, the better.

More specifically, making a call back within the first hour can significantly enhance your chances of closing the deal. But why is this the case? Let's dive into the reasons. 


1) Speed Demonstrates Interest 

Firstly, reaching out quickly shows the lead that you're genuinely interested in their needs. The best time to call a lead is within 5 minutes of them showing interest.

You're demonstrating your commitment to excellent customer service by calling back as soon as possible. This can greatly influence the lead's perception of your business, enhancing your chances of making a successful sale. 


2) Strike While the Iron is Hot 

Secondly, contacting a lead while their interest is still fresh means you're more likely to catch them in a receptive mood. 

If you wait too long, they could either lose interest or choose another provider who acted faster. The likelihood of reaching a lead decreases by 10 times after the first hour.

Making a prompt call back ensures you're capitalizing on their initial enthusiasm. 

New call-to-action

3) Beat the Competition 

Lastly, being the first to respond in the highly competitive window and door sales world can give you a crucial edge over your competitors. 

If a potential client contacts multiple suppliers, the one who responds first will likely leave a lasting impression. 

Remember, by calling back within the first hour, you're not only showing your commitment to excellent customer service but also increasing your chances of securing the sale.

Therefore, it's clear that timing is crucial when it comes to calling back leads in the window and door business. By acting swiftly and responding within the first hour, you can significantly increase your chances of closing a successful sale, ultimately helping your business to thrive.

Don't Wait Too Long: The Risks of Waiting Too Long to Call Back

Lead Nurturing Window leads

It's quite common to assume that a little suspense is good for business. After all, aren't customers supposed to chase us?

Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from the truth in the highly competitive window and door sales world. In reality, waiting too long to call back an interested window and door lead can have severe consequences. Here's why: 

  • Customers nowadays expect quick and efficient responses. If a lead shows interest, they are likely already considering your services.
  • By delaying your callback, you risk losing their interest to more prompt competitors. 
  • Not only that, but your lead also may perceive your delayed response as lack of customer service, leading to a poor first impression.

Thus, in this industy, time is indeed money.

The Best Times to Reach Out to Potential Customers

best times to call leads

Understanding the best time of day to reach out to potential customers is crucial in any business, and it's no different for window and door businesses. 

This significantly impacts your ability to connect with the potential customer and increases the chances of closing the deal. Let's delve into this a little deeper. 


Mornings: A Fresh Start 

The early morning, specifically between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, can be an excellent time to make your first contact. 

At this time, people are just starting their day and are more likely to be receptive to your call. This is especially true for business owners who may be planning their day and are open to scheduling appointments. 


Mid-Morning: The Dead Zone

While mornings can be fruitful, research suggests the worst time to call a lead is in the morning, between 9 AM and 11 AM.

People are generally more zoned into the tasks for the day, looking forward to lunch, or stressed with the task progress on their agendas. 


The Afternoon: The Sweet Spot

Between 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM is another good window to make contact. Leads are more likely to answer the phone in the afternoon than in the morning.

As the day winds down, individuals might be looking to wrap up their tasks for the day, which may include making decisions about home improvements. 


The Evening: A Time for Losing Leads

Try to avoid calling during after-work and dinner time as it is usually considered family time. Your call might be perceived as intrusive. Several studies prove the worst time to call a lead is after 6 PM.

Remember, these are suggested times and might not always align with your potential customer's schedule. It's always best to ask for a convenient time if you're unable to connect on the first call.

The Top Days of the Week to Make Contact

best days to call leads window marketing

Understanding the best days of the week to contact your window and door leads can significantly improve your sales and closing rates. While every lead and their preferences are unique, certain patterns have been observed that can help you optimize your communication strategy. 


Midweek Magic: Wednesday and Thursday 

Studies show that The best days to call leads are Wednesdays and Thursdays. These days strike a balance for most people regarding their weekly workload. The start-of-the-week chaos has usually calmed down, and they're not yet gearing up for the weekend, making them more receptive to your call. 


Avoid The Extremes: Monday and Friday 

On the flip side, Monday and Friday are generally considered the worst days to make contact. Mondays are typically hectic, with people catching up on tasks and emails accumulated over the weekend.

On the other hand, Fridays see people winding down for the weekend, making them less likely to engage with sales calls. 

Note: Remember that these are general trends and may not apply to every individual. It's always a good idea to monitor trends with your particular audience and adjust accordingly.

Conclusion: Putting It All Together to Improve Your Close Rates

Rizen CTAs

So, you've made it this far. You've learned the best times to call back an interested window and door lead, but how do you combine it to improve your close rates? Let's dive in. 

1) Understanding Your Lead 

Firstly, understanding your lead is crucial. Not every lead is the same, and each one will require a different approach. You can tailor your approach accordingly if you know what your lead is interested in, their pain points, and their budget.

This not only improves your chances of closing the deal but also saves you time and effort in the long run. 


2) Choosing the Right Time to Call 

Next, choosing the right time to call back your lead is vital. As we've discussed, the best times are typically in the early morning or late afternoon. However, do not disregard the importance of adherence to your lead's preferences. If they prefer a certain time, respect that and adjust your schedule accordingly. 


3) Persistence is Key 

Remember, persistence is key. You'll unlikely close a lead on the first call or even the second. 80% of sales require 5 follow-up calls after the initial contact. 

Be patient and follow up regularly, but do not overwhelm your potential customer. Maintain a balance between being eager to close the deal and respecting the lead's decision-making process. 


4) Utilize Technology 

In this digital age, technology can be a great ally. Use CRM systems to help keep track of your leads, follow-ups, and conversions. This allows you to analyze your data, track your success, and identify areas for improvement. 

Remember, improving your close rates isn't just about calling back your leads at the right time. It's about understanding your leads, being persistent, and utilizing technology to help you stay organized and efficient.

Putting these strategies into practice will undoubtedly improve your close rates. Remember, every interaction with a lead is an opportunity to learn and improve. Embrace these opportunities, and your window and door business will surely thrive.


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