Do People Really Click Window and Door Ads on Google?

William Avila
Sep 13, 2022 12:37:25 PM

You've seen them before using Google Search. Paid ads. This outreach strategy is a great way to reach out to potential customers who are in the market for new home upgrades. But do people really click on these ads? And if they do, does that mean they go on to buy windows or doors from your company?

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the latest research on window and door ads and see what it tells us about their effectiveness. Stay tuned – you might be surprised by what we find!


Understanding the Power of Google

google usage homeowners

Every day, there are 3.5 billion searches on Google. That means, on average, the world's largest search engine hosts over 40,000 search queries every second. It is no wonder Google Ads has become one of the most popular pay-per-click (PPC) digital marketing platforms.

Many organizations worldwide utilize Google Ads to promote their brand to new and relevant audiences. It is a proven marketing tactic to drive more qualified leads to your website.

We’ll discuss how Google Ads works and the results you can expect from using this platform.


What are Google Ads?

Google Ads for Window and Door Installers

A Google Ad displays sponsored content throughout Google’s search engine results page (SERP) and other partner websites. The paid digital marketing platform allows advertisers to target consumers based on their keyword searches.

In the example below, you’ll see how Google divides ads into two sections. These ads came up after searching for “window installers near m3.”

You will notice the first section shows sponsored content as “Ads,” while the organic content beneath is not labeled. Google search ads display at the top and bottom of search engine results.


How Do Google Ads Work?

Much like other paid marketing, Google Ads functions as an auction system. Many advertisers fight for their ads to be featured on the first page when users search for specific keywords.

Google SERP Definition

However, it takes more than claiming the highest bidder slot to claim the top ad spot on Google’s SERP (see definition above.)

Advertisers must also optimize for quality scores for an ad to appear in specific search results. The formula is basically: higher quality score = higher ad positioning.

Google determines a quality score based on several factors, including: 

  • The relevancy of your ad to the search query.
  • The relevance of your ad to the landing page.
  • The historical click-through rate.

The quality score is based on a 1 to 10 scale, where 10 is the highest. Ads with higher quality scores will also see a lower cost per click and higher impressions. For this reason, your Google Ads account must be set up and continually managed.


What Results Can You Expect from PPC Campaigns?

paid ad results for window companies

So let's get to the core of the question regarding Google Ads. “Do they actually work?” 

Most organizations will earn a strong return on investment when using Google Ads (correctly.)

Here are a few robust statistics to support our claims.

  • Businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend on Google Ads. (Google Economic Impact Report).
  • Pay-per-click ads are one of the top three generators of on-page conversions (Formstack).
  • 65% of all clicks made by users who intend to make a purchase go to paid ads (Wordstream).
  • PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase than organic visitors (Unbounce).

The reason many businesses find more success with Google ads compared to other digital marketing platforms is simple. Google Ads are more likely to convert consumers who are ready to buy. Let’s use the example from above of searching for “impact windows Miami.” Those who search these keywords are most likely looking for impact window installers in their local area.

In other words, there is already an intent to make a purchase.

Optimizing your window and door ads for "impact windows Miami" (or insert your own target keywords) makes you more likely to show up in search results of interested parties. These individuals are already in the window-shopping stage and are more inclined to click on an ad that appears when they search these keywords.

As a result, your organization is more likely to generate leads and sales from Google Ads.

Paid ads through Google shouldn't be your sole customer attraction strategy, though. Paid ad efforts should always be supported by general SEO efforts, too.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in organic search results. Content marketing creates valuable content that educates window and door shoppers and helps them make informed decisions. Social media

search engine results window installersPro Tip: Make Sure to Build Both Paid AND Organic SEO Efforts

Google Ads, while beneficial, should not replace organic and inbound marketing strategies. Organic marketing focuses on creating content optimized for SEO. This strategy includes creating blog posts, white papers, interactive content, and more.

Like Google Ads, organic marketing aims to increase website traffic by ranking for strategic keywords through lead-generating content. The difference? It’s free.

This approach can be especially advantageous for organizations operating in highly competitive advertising spaces. For instance, in the business-to-business sector, the cost per click of Google Ads may be as high as $100. Inbound marketing may be your organization’s best chance of appearing on the first page of Google.

Neither paid nor organic marketing strategies should cancel out one another. Instead, they should both be included in your marketing efforts for a best-in-class blended approach.


How to Get Started with Google Ads

Google Ads Home Site

Before launching a Google Ads campaign, educating yourself on the platform’s inner workings is crucial. To help get you started, here is a short list of action items to check off:

  • Understand the importance of basic terms such as keywords, quality scores, ad ranks, keyword match types, etc.
  • Identify how you will organize your account based on campaigns, ad groups, and keywords.
  • Conduct keyword research.
  • Create high-converting landing pages.

First, create your ad group and set a budget for how much you’re willing to spend per day. Then, write your ad copy and include a call-to-action (CTA). Your CTA should encourage window and door shoppers to click through to your website, where they can learn more about your products or services.

Finally, add your keywords and targeting options. You can target window and door shoppers by their location, time of day, type of device, etc.

And that’s it! You’ve now launched your first Google Ads campaign for window and door ads. Remember to keep an eye on your campaign’s progress and make changes where necessary. Experiment with different ad copy, images, and keywords to see what performs best.

By following these steps, you can create window and door ads that generate leads and sales for your business. Just remember to also focus on organic SEO efforts for a well-rounded marketing strategy.

There are even more tips on how you can boost sales this year. Check out our no-nonsense guide on How to Sell Windows and Doors.


Improve Your Paid Marketing Efforts With Rizen

While Google Ads is a useful marketing tool for generating new business, the platform can be overwhelming – for beginners and veterans alike. New features and optimization tweaks come out regularly, so your team must stay on top of professional development to continue effective scaling.

To achieve the greatest return on investment, work with a paid marketing expert firm like Rizen. Our specialists carry 10+ years of experience in building strategic Google Ad campaigns that deliver maximum results. Best of all? We combine any strategic plan with a diverse growth approach, including establishing sequences and workflows, creating targeted content, and using conversion rate optimization.  

Rizen Client Results

Our long list of satisfied clients shows we bring results. 

Are you interested in working with us? Let’s talk! Schedule your FREE consultation by calling (305) 548-8464 or filling out our simple contact form. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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