Facebook Marketing for Roofing: Double Your Followers (in a month!)

Nichole Mena
Dec 31, 2021 2:03:15 PM

It's no secret that Facebook marketing is a great way to grow your roofing business. In fact, the platform has over 1 billion users worldwide and its popularity just keeps growing!

The Facebook advertising platform also offers lots of benefits for roofing companies looking to reach a wide audience at an affordable cost. It's not always easy though - how do you know what specific marketing strategies will work best for you?

In this blog post, we'll cover Facebook Marketing 101: from getting started with Facebook ads to increasing followers on your page in one month!


Why Should Your Roofing Company be on Facebook?

One of the biggest marketing mistakes roofing companies make is not being on Facebook.

In fact, when you're looking to grow your residential or commercial business, there's no better place than the world's most popular social network!

Here are a few facts about Facebook:

- It has more than one billion monthly active users.

- Over 35% of users (ages 18 to 65) are of homeownership age.

- Facebook is used by the average American citizen for an hour, 34 minutes each day.

The amount of homeowners and consumers who use Facebook to get information about roofing companies is astounding and continues to grow. So if you're not yet on Facebook, it's time to start!


Understanding the Basics of Facebook for Business

Once you've decided to create a Facebook page for your roofing company, it's important that you have a basic understanding of how the social network works.

- Your Timeline is similar to a resume - in chronological order, people can see what your business has been up to and when! Use this section as an opportunity to showcase awards or media coverage your company has received.

- The News Feed is a constantly updating feed of posts from friends, family, and businesses that a user follows. This is where you'll want to post interesting and engaging content to keep people coming back for more!

- Posts can be in one of two formats - text or image/video. Try mixing it up with both to see which type of post your customers respond best to.

- Facebook Ads is a platform that allows businesses to target specific demographics with their advertising. This can be an extremely effective way to reach new customers who may not have heard of your roofing company before.

Now that you understand the basics, let's move on to how you can use Facebook marketing to increase followers on your page!


How to Use Facebook Ads to Grow Your Roofing Business

Facebook ads are a great way for roofing companies - large or small - to get the word out about their business. It's important that you set up your ad correctly, however! Not doing so can result in wasted money and time if not done right. Here is what you need to know before creating your first Facebook ad:

- Choose the right objective for your ad. When setting up your ad, you'll need to choose an objective. This is the goal of your ad - what do you want people to do when they see it? Some common objectives are "to increase brand awareness," "to get more website visitors" or "to drive conversions on your website."

- Create targeted ads. Targeting is everything with Facebook advertising! You can target users based on their age, location, gender, and interests to get the most out of your ad dollars. Learn more about how Facebook targeting works in this post from our friends at Elevated Marketing.

- Keep it short & simple. Nobody wants to read a long block of text in an advertisement or Facebook post - keep your message clear and concise.

- Experiment! Facebook advertising is a great way to test different marketing strategies to see what works best for your roofing company.

Now that you understand the basics of Facebook Ads, let's move on to how you can use them to increase followers on your page!


How to Increase Followers on Your Roofing Company's Facebook Page

Once you've set up your Facebook ad and have a budget, it's time to start getting people onto your page! Here are some great ways to get more followers on Facebook:

- Create engaging content. It may seem obvious but the best way for potential customers to find out about your roofing company is through Facebook marketing for roofing content that is engaging and interesting. Try mixing up text posts with images or videos to see which type of post your customers respond best to.

- Run a contest. Who doesn't love free stuff? Running a contest on your Facebook page is a great way to get people interested in your company and can result in lots of new followers. Local IQ offers an excellent guide on running a contest or giveaway.

- Run a Facebook ad campaign to promote your contest. You can use the same Facebook marketing for roofing strategy that you used when running your initial ads! Just be sure to make it clear in your post what people have to do in order to enter the contest - following you, tagging their friends or liking/commenting on some of your posts are all great options.

- Host a webinar or live Q&A. This is a great way to give potential customers a taste of what it's like to work with your roofing company. Plus, it's a great opportunity for you to answer any questions that people may have about your services.

- Make sure your Facebook page is filled out. This can be tricky to do if you are a small roofing company, but make sure that your Facebook page has all the information people may need about your services or business! Including photos and videos of past projects can also help build trust with potential customers by giving them an inside look into what they would get working with you.

- Use Facebook advertising to boost posts. You can use the same strategies you used when running ads for your initial ad campaign - just make sure that every post is engaging and useful!

Now that you know how to use Facebook marketing for roofing, get out there and start getting more followers on your page today!


More Followers Need to See Frequent Posts!

If you're looking to get more roofing leads, you'll need a steady flow of posts on your Facebook page. How often should you post to your page to see a steady increase in followers?

We recommend posting new content to your page every day. This may seem like a lot, but if you're using our tips for creating engaging content, it shouldn't be too difficult to come up with something new to share each day.

If you can't post every day, try posting at least three times per week. This will help keep your page active and show potential followers that you

Another "shortcut" we recommend using is the "Boost Post" feature - it helps ensure that your content is seen by more people, even if they're not following your page yet. Plus, it's really easy to use! Just follow these steps:

- Log into Facebook and go to your roofing company's page.

- Click on the post you want to boost.

- Choose a budget and audience for your ad.

- Click "Boost Post" and you're done!

Make sure that you regularly monitor the performance of your boosted posts so that you can see which posts are doing the best for your roofing company.


Get Ready for More Facebook Followers! But How Do You Keep Them Engaged?

Once you've started to gain a larger following on Facebook, it's important to keep them engaged and interested in your roofing company. Here are some tips for keeping your followers engaged:

- Ask questions. A great way to start a conversation with your followers is by asking them questions. This can be anything from "What kind of roofing material do you prefer?" to "how do you fix leaks in your home?"

- Share helpful resources. If you come across a great article or video about roofing, share it with your followers! They'll appreciate the information and it will help keep them interested in what you have to say.

- Answer questions and address concerns. This is another great way to start a conversation with your followers. If you see someone has commented on one of your posts, answer their question or leave them feedback!


Learn More About Facebook Marketing for Roofing Companies

If you're looking for more tips on how to use Facebook marketing for roofing companies, be sure to check out our other blog posts! We have a variety of content that will help you learn everything you need to know about using Facebook to get more leads.

And if you're still not sure where to start, don't hesitate to read our complete list of Roofing Marketing strategies you need to implement today!

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