4 HVAC Companies Dominating Social Media Marketing in 2022

Jeffrey Lambert
May 13, 2022 10:22:05 PM

If you're an HVAC company looking to dominate social media in 2022, you'll need to focus on a few key areas. In this blog post, we will take a look at the top 4 HVAC companies who are killing it on social media and see what we can learn from them.

By following their lead, you can ensure that your HVAC business is well-prepared for the future of social media marketing!


Our Rating System

Star Ratings

There are endless ways to rank and rate companies for specific accomplishments. In this case, we were very specific about what HVAC companies had to do in order for us to label them as "killing it." The top four choices you'll be reading about scored won an award for being plain awesome in each of the following categories:

  1.  Account Followers: Yes, your follower (or subscriber) count matters - to an extent. It's worth rewarding the companies that get the most eyeballs - be it by word of mouth, referrals, or just plain old social media advertising hustle.

  2.  Platform Usage: Every social media platform offers bells and whistles to enhance the user experience. The HVAC companies we've rated as "killing it" on social media are those who use these features to their advantage. This might include anything from using Instagram Stories to host giveaways to utilizing LinkedIn's advanced search features to find new business connections.

  3.  Diversity of Content: An HVAC company's social media account should be more than just a dumping ground for specials and coupons. The best HVAC companies use their accounts to educate their customers about HVAC systems, energy efficiency, and home comfort. We gave this award to the company that had the most informative and diverse content on its social media channels.

  4.  Community Engagement: HVAC companies are nothing if not service-oriented businesses. The best HVAC companies use their social media accounts to show off their commitment to customer service, whether it's by responding quickly to customer inquiries, or complaints, or going above and beyond to help out in a pinch. We gave this award to the company that went above and beyond in its social media engagement.

And the winners are...

Now that you know how we ranked the HVAC companies, it's time to meet the winners! In no particular order, here are the four HVAC companies who are absolutely killing it on social media in 2022:


Best Account Following: Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical

HIller HVAC Logo

Facebook: @HillerPHCE

What They're Doing Right:

Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical has a whopping 13,144 followers on Facebook - and it's no wonder why.

The company does an excellent job of using its social media account to advertise its services, post informative content, and offer special deals and coupons to its followers.

An absolute strength behind the company's success is how they reflect the personalities of the communities they serve.

During hockey season the company made sure to show their pride for the Nashville Predators by posting their public support for the team. Now that's something every local user can get behind!


The company went a step further by showing support for in-state college athletics AND highlighting their community altruism. This post cheers on the efforts of the University of Tennessee's baseball team while letting local residents know how the company also acts as a sponsor.


Key Takeaway:

Hiller Plumbing, Heating, Cooling & Electrical has successfully built a massive social media following by catering to the interests of their followers and being an active part of the communities they serve.

Do you take time to celebrate accomplishments at local schools? Or highlight your community service efforts? When is the last time your company took part in a local event and publicized it? Never underestimate the power of grassroots advertising!

Hiller PHCE knows how to use social media to get new leads and grow its business by being a part of the communities they serve - making it a great example for other HVAC companies to follow!


Best Platform Usage: Thermacon Service Company, Inc.

Thermacon HVAC Logo

Facebook: @ThermaconServiceCompany 

What They're Doing Right:

Thermacon Service Company, Inc. is one of those HVAC companies that just get social media marketing. The company uses its Facebook account to advertise its services, post informative content, offer special deals and coupons to its followers, and even highlight community events it's taking part in.

But what sets Thermacon apart is how it uses Facebook's lesser know features to attract, engage, and delight visitors. For example, did you know you can use bots to answer frequently asked questions? Thermacon's Facebook Page offers five common questions to click on for visitors, who immediately start a conversation in Facebook Messenger.

What's even cooler is that these questions are HVAC specific, so you know you're talking to a company that knows its stuff. Check it out:

Thermacon Bot Questions

The company also takes full advantage of hosting helpful video content on its Facebook Page. Why is this important? Well, not only are Facebook users more likely to watch a video than read a blog post, but HVAC is a service industry where seeing is often believing.

Take Thermacon's video about ductless mini splits, for example. This short clip does an excellent job of breaking the importance of regular HVAC maintenance into layman's terms - making it relatable and digestible for the everyday homeowner. Take a look:


Key Takeaway:

Thermacon Service Company, Inc. is a great example of how HVAC companies can use a platform's unique features to attract and engage potential customers. If you're not using bots on your Facebook Page, now is the time to start!


Best Diversity of Content: Aqua Plumbing & Air

Aqua Plumbing Logo

Facebook: @aquaplumbingandair

What They're Doing Right:

If you're looking for an HVAC company that is truly killing it on social media, look no further than Company Aqua Plumbing & Air. This company has an impressive follower count of 4,215 people. They also boast an almost-perfect 4.9-star rating on Facebook, based on 303 customer reviews.

What sets Aqua Plumbing & Air apart from other HVAC companies is their diversity of content. They don't just post the same old thing over and over again - they mix things up with a variety of content types. For example, in addition to blog posts and infographics, they also post videos and live streams. This helps to keep their followers engaged and coming back for more!

For example, the company posts frequent educational content to attract users to the page without pressuring a purchase of any kind. In this post, the company outlines the advantages of installing a programmable thermostat.


Another area where Aqua Plumbing & Air shines is in their community engagement. They are active in their social accounts and converse with their online communities. They respond to customer questions and reinforce positive reviews and feedback quickly. Notice in this post how the company's social media team takes the time to thank a Facebook user for recommending the company.

Aqua Plumbing Customer Feedback

Key Takeaway:

Aqua Plumbing & Air is a great example of an HVAC company that is doing social media marketing right. They have an engaged follower base thanks to the variety of content to keep things interesting. They also take the time to engage with their followers, which helps to build trust and loyalty.


Best Community Engagement: Bruce Thornton Air Conditioning & Plumbing


Facebook: @btaclubbock

What They're Doing Right:

Bruce Thornton Air Conditioning & Plumbing are very active in its communities, both online and in-person. The company's social media accounts do an excellent job of broadcasting their desire to build relationships with interested audiences.

The company is very active in showing support for community heroes, like teachers. This past summer, any teacher living in the local area received a free A/C tune-up from Bruce Thornton.


The company also frequently hosts charity events, like their annual participation in the community's holiday parade event. This event raises funds to help children in need in the local area.


These types of community engagement activities help to build trust and loyalty among potential customers. After all, who doesn't want to do business with a company that cares about giving back?


Bruce Thornton Air Conditioning & Plumbing is an HVAC company that excels at community engagement. The company hosts regular events to give back to the local community, which helps them to build trust and loyalty among potential customers.


How to Get Your HVAC Company on Our Next "Best of" List

best of award from RizenIn short, these are HVAC companies that not only have a large and engaged social media following but also have a track record of delivering quality service to their customers.

If you want your HVAC company to be on our next "Best of" list, start by taking a look at your social media presence. Make sure you are active and engaging with your followers. Also, take a look at the content you are sharing. Is it interesting and diverse? If not, consider mixing things up a bit!

Finally, don't forget about community engagement. Showing that you care about more than just making a profit is a great way to build trust and loyalty among potential customers.

We hope this article has given you some insights into how HVAC companies are using social media to reach new customers and grow their businesses. For more tips on marketing your HVAC company, be sure to read our FREE guide on HVAC Marketing Secrets in 2022!

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