How to Write Email Subject Lines That Sell More Windows and Doors

Nichole Mena
Dec 9, 2022 9:06:28 AM

It’s no secret that email is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to window and door companies. But it's not enough to simply email your customers - you need email subject lines that capture attention, stand out in a crowded inbox, and encourage the reader to click through.

Here are some tips on crafting email subject lines to get your windows and door consultation slots fully booked!

Does Email Marketing Work for Selling Windows and Doors?

email marketing statistic graphic

(Image courtesy of Oberlo)


The short answer is: absolutely! Email marketing remains one of the most effective and reliable methods for businesses to reach customers, build trust, and convert leads into sales.

A recent report from DMA found that for every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $42. That’s a serious ROI – and email marketing works especially well regarding windows and doors.

What Factors Make Email Marketing Successful?

successful email marketing

Email marketing success relies on crafting email subject lines that pique the reader’s interest, stand out in a crowded inbox, and encourage them to open your email. So what's the formula for email subject line success?


Tips for High-Performing Email Subject Lines

1. Keep it Short and Sweet. Email subject lines should be kept to a maximum of 60 characters, as anything longer may get cut off in some email clients.

Also, your email subject line should be concise yet informative, if you don't mind. You'd like to give readers an idea of what they can expect when they open your email.

2. Utilize Power Words. Using power words in email subject lines can help to grab attention and encourage the reader to click through to your email. Some examples of effective power words include “free”, “save”, “new”, and “exclusive.”

3. Emoji's Actually Work. Use Them. It's not just for kids. It's psychology at work. Emojis are so impactful is because the brain processes them as non-verbal communication. This allows them to pack an emotional punch and drive home whatever message we're trying to convey.

One study found an emoji in the subject line of an email increases the open rate by 29% and the click-through rate by 28%

4. Try Asking Questions. Subject lines that pose as a question can be an effective email marketing strategy. Questions are especially useful for email subject lines as they draw the readers further into your email and create a sense of curiosity that encourages them to click through.

A study found that question subject lines get higher than average open rates — about 10% more.

5. Stop Being So Nice. Don’t be afraid to spice up your email subject lines with a hint of humor or sarcasm. Adding in a bit of wit is an effective email marketing strategy that can help to capture the reader’s attention, stand out from other email subject lines, and encourage more people to click through.

It's time to start getting creative with email subject lines. These tips will help you increase your email open rates and sell more windows and doors. So go ahead, give it a try! You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Follow Up Email Templates window leads

Additional Email Tips to Remember

Man searching on laptop

While engaging subject lines is crucial to email success, you should keep additional email marketing tips in mind.

  • Send sales or offers on Fridays. People tend to be in an email-opening mood on this day, so it's the perfect day to send emails advertising your sales or special offers.
  • Email should be personal. Instead of emailing a list of generic contacts, segment email lists by interest or location and send them tailored emails. This will make your email marketing campaigns more effective.
  • Urgency is a powerful tool. Adding a sense of urgency to email campaigns can help to boost email open rates and conversions.
  • Make your messaging seasonal. Window and door installation, and home improvement in general, tends to be seasonal. So, email campaigns should be customized accordingly. Messaging in the spring should focus on preparing for storm season or saving money on utility bills as temperatures rise. The winter should be about keeping homes warmer and providing more security against holiday theft attempts.
  • FOMO messaging is a reliable email messaging strategy. You should consider working it into your overall marketing approach. We have a full FOMO Marketing walkthrough you can start using today.

Following these email subject line tips and additional email marketing guidelines can help window and door companies make the most of their email campaigns. With creativity and strategic emailing, you'll be well on your way to email success. Good luck!

Did You Know Stronger Email Campaigns Net You More Vacation Time?

family window and door owners

When your company really puts effort into combining human psychology, customer insights, and strong copywriting together into email marketing, amazing things can happen. Not only do email open rates increase, but email campaigns become an efficient way to generate more sales and revenue—giving you more time to spend on the beach or with friends and family.

Let’s work together to make your email subject lines stand out! With our help, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing that your email marketing strategies will get you from 0-60 in no time. We can help you discover the life-saving impact of getting your marketing qualified leads (MQL’s) to turn into closed deals so you can leave your business for 30 days.

Sign up for our window and door email newsletter and learn even more tips for generating leads and boosting sales. From engaging copywriting to strategic email timing, we know what it takes for companies to grow faster, smarter, and stronger. Time is of the essence - don't wait any longer!

How to Sell Windows and Doors Guide

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