Is Your Social Media Management Driving Quality Leads? Or Just Noise?

Nichole Mena
Apr 26, 2022 10:13:54 PM

How effective is your social media management? Are you getting quality leads from it or just a lot of noise? Many home services businesses struggle to answer this question. It's hard to know whether or not the money and time investment into social media efforts are paying off.

This blog post will discuss how you can tell whether or not your social media management is driving quality leads and helping your business grow.


What are Social Media Leads?

homeowners on social media

A social media lead is defined as any prospective customer contacted through social media channels. This can happen in many ways, such as when someone direct messages your company on Instagram or fills out a contact form on your Facebook business page.

Not all social media leads are created equal, however. Some leads are going to be better quality than others. A high-quality social media lead is defined as a prospective customer who:

  • Is interested in your product or service
  • Has the budget to pay for your product or service
  • Is located in your service area

Ideally, you want all of your social media leads to meet these criteria. However, that's not always going to be the case. You may get leads that only meet one or two of these criteria.

Comparing social media leads and social media noise

What is Social Media Noise?

Social media noise is defined as any contact with a prospective customer who does not meet high-quality lead criteria. This can include things like:

  • People who are not interested in your products or services
  • People who do not have the budget to pay for your products or services
  • People who are not located in your service area
  • People who send you spam messages or leave negative comments on your posts

Dealing with social media noise can be frustrating. It takes up your time and resources without resulting in any quality leads or conversions. That's why it's important to track and measure your social media leads so that you can see which ones are high quality and which ones are not.


How to Tell if Your Social Media Management is Driving Quality Leads

social media strategy overview

There are a few key indicators that you can look at to tell if your social media management is driving quality leads:

  • The number of leads you're getting: This is the most basic metric. If you're not getting any social media leads, it's a good sign that something needs to be changed.
  • The conversion rate: This is the percentage of social media leads that turn into paying customers. A high conversion rate is a good sign that you're getting quality leads.
  • The average order value: This is the average amount of money each customer spends. A high average order value is a good sign that you're getting quality leads.
  • Average order value: This is the average amount of money that a customer spends when purchasing your product or service.

There are other metrics a social media management team could use to determine effectiveness, but these are some of the most important ones.

If you're not sure how your social media management is performing, take a look at these metrics. If you're not getting many leads or your conversion rate is low, it's a good sign that something needs to be changed.


Is it Worth it to Drive Social Media Leads?

homeowner couple on social media

Now that you know how to measure the quality of your social media leads, you can start to answer whether or not it's worth it to drive them.

To do this, you need to compare the cost of acquiring a social media lead with the lifetime value of a customer. The lifetime value of a customer is defined as the total amount of money that a customer spends with your company throughout their lifetime.

If the lifetime value is greater than the cost of acquiring a social media lead, then it's worth it to drive social media leads.

For example, let's say that the cost of acquiring a social media lead is $100 and the lifetime value of a customer is $500. In this case, it would be worth it to drive social media leads because the lifetime value is greater than the cost of acquiring a lead.

On the other hand, if the cost of acquiring a social media lead is $500 and the lifetime value of a customer is $200, then it would not be worth it to drive social media leads because the lifetime value of a customer is less than the cost of acquiring a lead.


How Many Leads Should I Be Getting Each Week from Social?

social media lead counts

There's no magic number of social media leads you should be getting each week. It depends on various factors, such as your industry, target market, and social media platform.

For example, if you're a home services company targeting homeowners in South Florida, you should expect to get more leads from Facebook than Instagram. Why? Homeowners are more likely to use Facebook than Instagram.

The best way to determine how many social media leads you should be getting each week is to set a goal and track your progress. If you're unsure where to start, aim for five new social media leads per week. Make sure you're following up with them properly, too! We have a separate guide to show you how.

The bottom line is that you need to track and measure the quality of your social media leads to determine whether or not it's worth it to drive them. If you're not monitoring and measuring your social media leads, you're not getting the complete picture of whether or not your social media efforts are paying off.


What are The Best Social Media Networks for Home Services Marketing?

social media platform options

Not all social media networks are created equal. Some social media networks are better for driving quality leads than others.

Here are a few of the best social media networks for home services marketing:

1) Facebook:

Facebook is the largest social media network globally, with over two billion monthly active users. It should be your absolute starting point for marketing to homeowners. Why?

  • There are several ways to market your home services business on Facebook, unlike other social platforms. You can create a standard Facebook page, start an exclusive, closed Facebook group, or simply run ads that get in front of your target audience.
  • Speaking of target audiences, the average user age is 40, which is perfect for marketing to homeowners.
  • Homeowners are also more likely to use Facebook than any other social media network. In fact, 78% of American adults say they are active users.
  • Facebook's ad targeting is unrivaled. You can target homeowners by their location, age, interests, etc.
  • Facebook is also the best social media platform for building relationships with your leads and customers. With WhatsApp and Messenger, you can easily stay in touch with your leads and customers without having to pick up the phone.

If you're not already marketing your home services business on Facebook, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to reach qualified leads!

2) Pinterest

You didn't see this one coming, did you? Pinterest is a social media network with over 250 million monthly active users. Home services companies can use this particular platform to reach a large audience of potential customers. Why?

  • Homeowners are always looking for home improvement ideas on Pinterest. 85% of Pinners say they use Pinterest to plan new projects.
  • Not only that, but homeowners are also more likely to make a purchase after seeing a product on Pinterest. In fact, 93% of users say they've made a purchase after seeing something on the platform.
  • The average user is age is 35, which makes it a great platform for marketing to homeowners.
  • If you're trying to get the attention of the lady of the house, Pinterest is THE platform to use. The female audience ratio sits at 76.7% of all users.

When it comes to homeowner lead generation, Pinterest is one of the best social media platforms out there. These target customers are actively searching for product ideas and solutions to their problems on the platform, which makes it easier to generate leads.

3) YouTube

Yeah. YouTube is a social network. Believe it! The platform has over two billion monthly active users, making it the second largest social media platform globally. You need to have an active presence here!

  • Homeowners are always looking for how-to videos on YouTube. In fact, "how-to" searches on YouTube have grown 80% year over year.
  • 91% of 30-49 year-olds in the U.S. use YouTube.
  • 84% of viewers bought from a brand after seeing it on YouTube.

When it comes to lead generation, video is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. Homeowners are much more likely to watch a video about your product or service than they are to read an article or blog post.

If you're not already using YouTube to market your home services business, you need to start! Creating helpful and informative videos is a great way to get in front of your target audience and generate leads.

Don't forget to include calls-to-action in your videos so that you can send viewers to your website or landing pages!

There are endless possibilities for marketing your home services business on social media. These are just a few of the best platforms to get started with.


How To Generate Leads On Social Media

roofing company owner

Social media management can be a great way to drive quality leads and grow your business. However, it's essential to ensure that you're getting quality leads.

If you're not getting the results you want, don't be afraid to change your social media strategy. Luckily, we have a FREE guide on doing just that - getting more social media leads!

This guide will show you:

  • Why social media efforts often fail
  • What content types generate leads
  • 5 specific methods for getting more attention and catching more leads

This offer wasn't designed for everyone. It's tailored specifically for home services companies.

Don't wait! Start generating quality leads today!

By the way...

Don't forget to read our Home Services Marketing guide to continue boost your growth this year!

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