10 Simple Tips To Get the Most From Your Facebook Business Page

Nov 7, 2019 10:11:28 AM

Once a startup itself, Facebook is currently the best stage to showcase and create deals for your startup!

If you need your business to bulldoze your rivals and make a noticeable presence in the digital world, you need to make the most out of your Facebook profile, and Facebook business page.

A Facebook business page is an absolute requirement for your online image or business's digital presence.

Facebook possesses 77% of all social logins. The Facebook business page enables you to communicate with your audience as per your attainability. With 1.09 billion individuals signing in day by day (a 16% expansion year-over-year), it's as yet the most prevalent social network around.

If you need your business' content to be delivered to customers, having a presence on Facebook is guaranteed. In any case, to benefit as much as possible from your Facebook page - to draw in and connect with guests, drive them to your site, and convert them into leads (and, in the end, clients) - you have to advance your Facebook presence.

Here are 10 proven Facebook business page tips for growing your online business organically.


facebook business

1) Create a Facebook Business Page - Not a Personal Profile

First of all: You have to create a business page - not a personal profile - to speak to your brand. Pages seem to be like personal profiles, yet they incorporate one of a kind tool for businesses, brands, and associations.

Your fans can like your page to see updates from you in their news feeds, which is something they can't accomplish for personal profiles.

This will boost Facebook's business potential for you, yet it's really against Facebook's Terms of Service to utilize a personal account to speak to an option that is other than that individual, similar to a business. If you've just created a profile for your business, you'll need to change it to a business page.


Facebook business page

2) Set Your Page's Vanity URL

When you've created your business page, it'll get a randomly allocated number and URL, such as facebook.com/pages/yourbusiness/123456789.

To make your Page shareable and more straightforward to discover, you'll need to create a visible vanity URL. Something like http://www.facebook.com/yourbusiness.


Facebook mobile

3) Include an Branded Profile Picture

Pick a profile picture that directly relates to your business - an image you want customers to relate with your brand. Obvious choices include your company’s logo, or a headshot of yourself (in case you're a solopreneur or an expert), or an action shot of your service in action. Being unambiguous is essential for getting found and liked, particularly in Facebook's search feature.

Your profile picture shows up at the highest point of your Facebook page In addition, it will show next to any post you make, so pick your main visual carefully.


Facebook likes

4) Optimize your "About" Section

Your "About" section is one of the page areas individuals will read researching your brand or service. This area is situated on the left-hand side of your page underneath your profile picture. Visitors can also click the "About" tab at the top of your page too.

Make sure to enhance this section with brief, yet descriptive language about your company to give visitors a clear understanding of your value. This is your opportunity to make that all important positive first impression with prospective customers, so make your description count!

70-20-10 Rule

5) Follow the "70-20-10" Rule

Now that you've optimized your profile to attract new audiences, it's an excellent time to create content. This is your opportunity to test out various types of posts to what your audience enjoys.

What's the best formula when it comes to deciding on content to share? Observe the 70-20-10 Rule:

· Post unique content 70% of the time.

· Post content relevant to your members' interests 20% of the time.

· Post content related to your industry 10% of the time.

Keep content diverse and fresh and you'll steadily increase your followers as you create valuable content.


Social Champ

6) Create Custom Page Tabs

Facebook allows business owners to set shortcuts to different areas in your profile. These are called "tabs." Default page tabs are set as Timeline, About, Photos, and Likes Create and use custom tabs - which are fundamentally similar to landing pages - inside your Facebook Page to guide audiences to where you're housing valuable content and information. Facebook also allows for call-to-action buttons where you can include anything from contextual analyses to showcasing offers of different promotions you're running.

Quality Stamp

7) Stress Quality Over Quantity

Don't overpower your audience with content - be strategic about what you're publishing. Invest more energy creating better Facebook posts, and less time making a ton of Facebook posts.

Keep in mind: It's a smart marketing goal to post content that is intriguing, engaging, supportive, and relevant to the audience. This implies picking important points, composing excellent copy, and posting motivating images and videos.


Content production calendar

8) Post With Purpose

As per Christina Hager, head of social media methodology and distribution at media company Overflow Storytelling Lab, “independent ventures should be progressively careful about how they speak with their audiences.”

"You can't simply toss things onto Facebook and expect somebody to see them,” she said. "You have to post with intention and afterward choose what you will do with that post"- regardless of whether you are going to boost it with a budget.

In addition Vicki Anzmann, the CCO at Creativation Marketing, states that it's "extremely important" to utilize Facebook Insights to help decide a decent posting rhythm and content blend.


Social post timing

9) Test Your Timings

Something else you need to do is play around with the timings of your posts. You can get that from the insights data from Facebook.

These tools, located in the top toolbar on your page and labeled as "Insights" will show you when your supporters are interacting with your content and which posts are garnering the most interactions.

This will give you an understanding of the ideal time to post content for your Facebook supporters to enjoy.


Facebook on mobile

10) Market Your Page Outside of Facebook

If you need to improve engagement on your Facebook page, you have to diversify approaches to advertising it's existence.

Indeed, utilizing promoted posts and paid advertisements can help Facebook users find your page. But there are better (and cheaper methods) to do this for those just starting out.

Incorporate a link to your Facebook page on your website. Share it's existence in a post on other social media channels like Pinterest, Twitter, or Snapchat. Make sure to post from your personal profiles as well. In addition, see leveraging your network contacts to have them share a link to your page too. Advertising is important - exhaust your free options first!


build Facebook presence

Building A Strong Business Presence on Facebook is Worthwhile

Facebook sees new business pages created every day across a wide array of injuries - thus increasing competition. Don't let this discourage you! Knowing HOW to market your page gives you a huge advantage over other pages lacking optimization and a solid growth strategy.

Following these simple tips will help you grow your Facebook business page steadily. Commit to providing value to your followers and they will reward you with unwavering support!



Author Bio:

Sadia Munir is Content Manager at Social Champ. She is a computer science graduate who discovered her love for writing and now plans on blogging forever. She's passionate about blogging, social media, digital marketing, and all things content.

When not working on content strategy, she's either sleeping or wondering what to eat! You can ping her at sadia@socialchamp.io or on Twitter @munirsaadiya.

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