Marketing Tools Worth Trying: The HubSpot CMS

Rogelio Rodriguez
Apr 29, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Read Time: 5 Minutes


Back in the day, if you wanted to excel as a marketer, you had to rely on a lot of paperwork and ancient marketing tools. 

It was nearly impossible to gather millions of data points in the 60s without spending months taking surveys and spending tens of thousands of dollars.

Plus, the best tech tools you had at the time were typewriters and telephones.

Mad Men

How the Mad Men on Madison Avenue survived before computers are beyond my comprehension. 

Nowadays, productivity tools will make or break the modern marketer. Technology is advancing so quickly that using tech from 5 years ago is outdated. Another challenge is trying to juggle all the different marketing tools you need to do your job. 


That's where HubSpot comes in.

It's an all-in-one marketing platform that effortlessly combines a marketer's main tasks into one user-friendly place. While several individual tools may compete against HubSpot in a single area, nothing beats its ability to bring everything together seamlessly.

The largest tech marketplace in the world, G2, recently announced that HubSpot had been named the #1 Best Product of Marketers in 2020

So what makes the platform so good that it beat out over 57,000 companies for the top spot on G2's list of the best marketing products?

Keep reading to find out.

Hubspot Marketing Interface

Marketing & Sales Alignment 

HubSpot is essentially a ready-to-use marketing funnel. You make an account, put contacts in the relevant stage of the funnel, and then personalize and publish your content. That's your steps to get started!

With Hubspot's complete marketing interface, you can:

  • Create email templates and measure their performance
  • Get notified when a prospect opens an email, clicks a link, or opens an attachment so you can follow up when leads are hot
  • Land more meetings through HubSpot's live chat feature through your website
  • Forget manually entering a lead's contact info. All data is logged automatically
  • Track your sales pipeline through HubSpot CRM. Follow deals you've won, lost, or those that are in progress. 

These handy features make HubSpot an incredible marketing tool that meets at the intersection between your marketing and sales functions. 


Hubspot Content Interface

Content Creation & Management


HubSpot came to fruition on the backbone of inbound marketing. In the content tab, you can create a vast variety of content:

● Web pages

● Landing pages

● Blog posts

● Call-to-actions

● Emails


You can also edit your templates within the content tab. All of your call-to-actions and images sit safely within the HubSpot file manager for easy access. Plus, you can clone your emails, pages, and CTAs to save you a ton of time from having to create them from scratch. 

For content management, HubSpot lets you track how individual landing pages, emails, or blog posts are performing. You can view click-through-rate, visits, submissions, and conversions. Monitoring these stats will help you manage your current content and create an effective plan for future content creation.


Pro Tip: 
HubSpot includes a content optimization tool to assist you with your blog posts and landing pages. The tool can check to make sure you've added all your necessary images, alt tags, keywords, CTAs, and other conversion features. 



Marketing Automation Interface

Marketing Automation


If there's one area where HubSpot reigns supreme over other platforms, it's in marketing automation. 

Their marketing automation excels beyond simple email marketing. Easily create custom workflows to match your specific needs. You can also prepare, edit, and publish content. Plus, contact information automatically integrates, so you get the most out of your campaigns. 

When you craft an individual email, you can choose to transform it into an entire series of automated emails. Several triggers can initiate an email series:

● A customer completes a sign-up form

● How many days since a customer's last interaction with your company

● The number of product pages your customer has viewed

● Various interactions with your ads or emails


Overall, HubSpot's intuitive marketing automation makes it easy for you to segment, nurture, and pull leads through your funnel in a personalized way so you can market 24/7. 


Hubspot Sales Reports

Reporting & Analytics


As a marketing manager, if you don't know the numbers, you won't know where to go. That's where HubSpot reporting and analytics come into play. 

This need is especially challenging when it comes to tracking your inbound marketing. 

They provide a comprehensive set of analytics data points to help you understand how well your marketing is doing:

  • Keywords: All of your keywords entered into HubSpot track automatically so you can see where your business stands in the organic search rankings for each keyword
  • Sources: This feature lets you track where your site visitors are coming from (so you don't have to sign in to Google Analytics every day). It will also show you how many contacts you're receiving from each source
  • Page Performance: To improve page optimization, HubSpot's page performance tool analyzes your on-page SEO to show you what needs to be adjusted (e.g., add H1s, meta descriptions, page titles, alt-tags, etc.)


HubSpot Marketing Hub includes in-depth email marketing data. Here are a few of the email metrics you can track:

  • Opens
  • Clicks
  • Unsubscribes
  • Bounces
  • Spam reports
  • Links that get the most clicks
  • Most engaged contacts
  • # of new subscribers in each campaign
  • Engagement over time

HubSpot also lets you compare email campaigns against other channels like PPC ads and social media to see which is the most successful. This feature can take much stress off your hands when optimizing your budgets across different channels. 


Hubspot Academy

HubSpot Academy

Where HubSpot goes above and beyond other competitive marketing tools is with their marketing education. They invest a ton of their time and resources into educating their customers. 

They have an active digital marketing blog that covers every digital marketing topic under the sun. Plus, they offer a variety of training videos and certification opportunities to advance your online marketing knowledge. 


Business Training

Organizational Training: Marketing Tools

Here at Rizen, we recommend HubSpot as the marketing tool of choice for marketing managers in 2020. 

Not only does it offer extensive marketing features like content management, in-depth analytics, and automation, but it brings them all together cohesively in one user-friendly platform. 


That's why we use it as our number one marketing tool at Rizen. 

If you need help setting your organization up with HubSpot, reach out to us today. We'll walk you through the initial set up and get you and your staff up to speed with all the ins and outs of the software. 

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