What is a Case Study? Important Tips for Impact Windows Companies

Nichole Mena
Jun 29, 2021 9:53:50 PM

Case studies are a powerful tool for impact window lead generation. This type of home services marketing resource provides real-world examples of how your impact windows company helps home and business owners.

An in-depth case study highlights challenges faced by your customers and how your product or service resolves them. When written correctly, it acts as a content marketing piece that is both relatable and convincing for your target buyer. 

However, creating lead-generating case studies for impact windows companies can be difficult. Many of the examples our home services marketing firm sees online don't deliver a story that offers value to the end customer.

It's time we change that. 


Case Study Definition

What is a Case Study?

A case study is a popular content marketing offer that showcases intimate details of a particular project. It often discusses a customer's challenges and how a business helped to resolve them. When written correctly, case studies highlight the positive impact your home services company has on previous customers. 

Let's use an impact windows and doors installer as an example. An impact product company leverages case studies to tell real-life client stories. 

The content piece includes emotional storytelling and outlines vital components such as:

  • The Challenge:  A customer’s struggle with protecting their home during hurricane season. 
  • The Solution: The home services company installed impact windows and doors. 
  • The Results: The customer lives with peace of mind knowing their home and family are safe from even the strongest storms.


Actionable Tip: 💡

The most impactful case studies showcase the emotional benefits of a product or service. Achieve this by speaking with past customers to learn how your services improved their everyday life.


Interested customer in case study

Do Case Studies Attract More Customers?

Writing and designing case studies provide your customer service team with a tangible conversation piece. It’s the reason so many sales teams leverage case studies when nurturing potential customers. They are an organized, detailed description of what it is like working with your impact windows company. 

Sure, customer service reps can boast about your product and service until they're blue in the face. Unfortunately, customers are naturally hesitant of salespeople trying to push products.

However, a case study provides evidence that your services accomplish what you say they do from a customer’s perspective.

Speaking of evidence, here are a few data points that show the power of case studies and customer testimonials:

  • 63% of marketers say that case studies are effective in generating leads. (Neil Patel)
  • 88% of consumers trust customer testimonials as much as recommendations from friends or family. (Big Commerce)
  • Using customer testimonials regularly can generate approximately 62% more revenue. (Strategic Factory)
  • Websites using testimonials saw a 45% increase in traffic compared to those that didn’t. (Yotpo)


Actionable Tip: 💡

Case studies are most useful for people in the decision stage of the sales cycle. For this reason, it’s crucial to write individual case studies for each buyer persona you serve.


case study types

Types of Case Studies

1) A Blog Post

Repurposing your customer stories into a blog post acts as a great content offer for prospects. 

For example, say someone searches for "impact garage door installers" and comes across your case study blog post. They learn about the transformation your customer's home experienced after working with your team. 

At the end of the blog post, they see a call to action for a free consultation. The relatable story resonates with the site visitor, and they decide to take that next step of contacting your company.  

2) A Well-Designed PDF Document

A case study reformatted into a designed PDF serves as excellent collateral for sales teams. It should be an easy-to-read, one-page document that outlines a customer's story in a graphically appealing way. 

Additionally, the PDF can serve as a physical printed piece or a downloadable content offer on your website.  

3) Video Stories

Did you know, 79% of consumers have watched a video testimonial to learn more about a company, product, or service? (Wyzowl)

It is an excellent medium for adding personal elements to a customer's story, which is difficult to accomplish with text-based case studies.

By interviewing past clients in a video forum, your product and service become more humanized. As a result, prospects have a better understanding of how your impact product company solved real-world problems.


Actionable Tip: 💡

You don't have to stick to one type of deliverable. Repurpose the same customer case study into various mediums to appeal to different types of learners


Case Study Template

Building Your First Case Study: The Basic Structure

Now that you understand the basics of case studies and the benefits they serve, it's time to write! The goal is to produce a cohesive story around the customer's journey working with your company from start to finish. 

Follow the basic structure below when writing a case study for your impact windows company.


1) Introduce the Main Character(s)

Share the name of your customer and any important details that help support your story.

2) Share the Customer's Unique Challenge

Write a brief description of the customer's state of mind when contacting your team. What was their main concern(s) for their property? Focus on what the status quo was before and how it was flawed.

3) Share the Solution 

Identify how your impact windows and doors uniquely solved the customer's problem and your process for installation. 

4) Detail the Results

Showcase how your product has impacted the customer's home and family for the better.


Actionable Tip: 💡

Include actual customer quotes throughout your case studies. It brings the story to life and, better yet, allows previous customers to sell your product for you.


Examples of Home Services Case Studies

Each customer has a different story or reason for contacting an impact product installer. 

Perhaps a customer was tired of paying high utility bills and wanted a more energy-efficient home. Or, maybe a property manager wanted new windows and doors to enhance the curb appeal of their building.

Whatever their story may be, use it to connect with other prospects who are experiencing similar circumstances.

Here are a few case study examples we love from our client, Alco Windows and Doors.

Example #1

Alco Case Study Carolina

This case study focuses on Alco’s fantastic customer service while installing impact windows in a client’s home. Their focus on breaking down the customer's experience into a story helps others relate to the individual. See the "challenge, solution, result" format in action by reading the case study for yourself.


Example #2

Alco Case Study Mike

This case study presents a different approach to building a case study. Instead of focusing on the individual's challenge, the story instead focuses on the property.

In this case, Mike, the satisfied client, had a fixer-upper home in desperate need of repair. Alco helped install upgraded products and transformed the space. The story is there! See the unique story crafting in this case study.


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Use Our Case Study Secrets for Maximum Effectiveness

Case studies are an invaluable asset for an impact window and door company. It establishes proof that the products and services you offer are valuable in the eyes of homeowners. 

While case studies are a robust sales and marketing tool, they must be written strategically to be effective. This process is not always an easy task to accomplish.

Use our downloadable guide entitled "Secrets to Writing a GOOD Case Study" and start driving more leads today!

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